Issue 1 - The First of Many
trendy tools
Obsidian is a customizable note taking application that utilizes markdown files. I quite like this method of taking notes with markdown as it allows easy formatting.
Activity Watch
Activity watch is an open-source alternative to time trackers such as WakaTime. It is useful to those who want to monitor time spent on their devices.
AppFlowy is another great open source alternative to a popular application. It works much like Notion and acts as a centralized place for tasks, notes, and projects.
technology related
Interactive Particles with Three.js
I came across this detailed article on how to display an image as particles that move when the mouse hovers over it. It is a bit complex for me at this time but I would love to try it out in the future.
Medusa JavaFX Gauges Library
Recently, we have been working with JavaFX within my intro to computer science class. While browsing github, I found this interesting gauge library which can be incorporated. The creator of this library has many other JavaFX related things, so check him out.