Surfing Soulseek

June 20, 2024

Surfing Soulseek

Soulseek Logo

In recent weeks I have been traveling down the ever-addicting rabbit hole of Soulseek, an application that dates back to 2001. Soulseek is a peer to peer (p2p) sharing application and a centralized system for file sharing. The application allows users to share files of any type (though mainly used for music) with each other. So how does it work? Well the system relies on the use of port forwarding. When a user searches for a music album or file, it indexes and gives results of people who have that media on their hard drive. So if a user tries to download your music, their software attempts to connect to your personal computer. With port forwarding, your router recognizes this request and directs it to your specific computer.


Nicotine is a graphical client for Soulseek which I have chosen to use. It is a free and open source (we ♥ FOSS) client that provides a clean and modern UI that can be used to operate Soulseek. I have provided a screenshot of my own application below.


Note the following:

Using Soulseek

One of the biggest reasons I have begun to frequent Soulseek is the sheer amount of music available. It is not uncommon to come across users sharing hundreds of terabytes of music. This makes it easy to find niche music and songs from artists who avoid streaming services. In a day and age where every inch of the internet has begun to spew foul subscription plans, the best time to amass your own collection of music files is now. As opposed to these expensive plans, downloading music means that it can never be taken away from you. If a song is removed from YouTube or Spotify, you will still have access to it.

One of the most fulfilling feelings is when someone downloads one of your files. How does one amass these files, you might be wondering. Well, it's typical etiquette to share every file that you download; that way, someone might be able to download it at a faster speed. If you are someone who owns a lot of physical media (CDs, Vinyl's, Cassette's), then you might even look into ripping it to a file.

What Should I Download?

Whatever your heart desires. There are a few things to consider when downloading music from Soulseek. The main thing is the format. You will typically see media uploaded in the following formats:

What Sounds Better?

The correct answer is neither. The actual quality of the audio relies on the following factors:


I hope you learned something about Soulseek, and audio while reading this article. I plan to release an article sometime soon that will talk about music, and what artists/genres I have been getting into. Feel free to check out my Spotify here. And if you want to take a gander at my personal collection which I have started to curate using Soulseek then let me know. Until next time-Mike


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